Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: CONCETTA FEDERICO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Main intent of the module of Genetics is to provide knowledge on the fundamentals of classical and molecular genetics. The proposed training will complement the knowledge given by the other module of the C.I. and  by the  other biological courses provided by Bachelor’s Degree in Biotecnology.

Through the module of Genetics, students in Biotecnology , will acquire knowledge on the analysis of the mechanisms of Mendelian inheritance. Besides, they will acquire basic knowledge concerning DNA structure and organization and, addictionally, general principles of gene expression. The student understand the main methods of DNA analysis and its polymorphisms and they will begin to understand the way in witch many molecules involved in the genetic processes are used in biotechnology. Moreover, they will learn about different types of mutations and their relative phenotypic effects, as well as about ways in which spontaneous mutations arise and their role in the evolution process. Finally, students will acquire the ability of effectively communicating biological themes in a proper scientific language.

Course Structure

Teaching will include interactive classroom lessons, during which powerpoint presentations and scientific videos will be introduced. At the end of each lesson, its effectiveness will be verified through the platform SOCRATIVE and students will be asked to answer 4 or 5 questions anonymously with their smartphone. Futhermore, Genetics’ exercises classes will take place as well as 2 in itinere examinations. After revision, these tests will be discussed with the students. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Mendelian inheritance. Genotype and phenotype.  Monohybrid and dihybrid cross. Relations between the alleles: complete and incomplete dominance, co-dominance and recessivity. Multiple alleles. The Epistasis.  Mitosis: chromosome configuration at different stages of the cell cycle. Meiosis: random assortment of chromosomes, crossing-over and gametes formation. Haploidy and diploidy. The Chromosomal theory of heredity: the Morgan experiments. Gene linkage and genetic mapping. Probability and statistics to analyze the transmission of  Mendelian traits. The chi-square test. The pedigree analysis in the study of inherited traits. 

The genetic molecules. Experiments to identify the genetic material: Griffith, Avery-McLeod-MacCarty, Hershey and Chase. The structure of DNA and RNA molecules. Characteristics of the genome in the present organisms. Organization of Eukaryotic chromosomes. The human karyotype: main methods to preparation and analysis.

Mutations. Mutations in somatic and germ cells. Point mutations: characteristics and effects. Molecular basis of mutations. Mutations in the number  and in the structure of the chromosomes. The main mechanisms of the spontaneous mutations. Mutagenic environmental factors: physical, chemical and biological agents. Role of the mutations in the evolution of the genes and their products. Oncogenes and antioncogenes: main features a mechanisms of activation.

Genes and DNA. The central dogma of genetics: replication, transcription and translation. The genetic code: definition and properties. Historical evolution of the functional definition of the gene. The prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes. The evolution of eukaryotic genes. The genes in multiple copies and gene families. The ortholog and paralog genes. Pseudogenes. The regulation of gene expression; main models of regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Outline of developmental genes and differentiation.

Basic Methods for DNA analysis. Preparation of genomic DNA, PCR, enzymatic cut, electrophoresis, sequencing. The RFLP and their use in diagnostics.

Textbook Information

  • 1. Binelli, Ghisotti e altri. GENETICA. EdiSES, Napoli
  • 2. Russel PJ. I-GENETICS: AMOLECULAR APPROACH. Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co Eds. ISBN-10: 0321772881. ISBN-13: 978-0321772886
  • 3. Griffiths et al. INTRODUCTION TO GENETIC ANALYSIS. W H Freeman & Co Eds.; 11 edition.. ISBN-10: 1464109486. ISBN-13: 978-1464109485.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduzione alla geneticaTESTO 1: cap 1 - TESTO 2: cap 1 - TESTO 3: cap 1
2Genetica mendeliana; incroci tra diidridi e triidridi. Principio di Segregazione e dell’indipendenza.TESTO 1: cap. 3 - TESTO 2: cap 11 (pagg. 263- 284)- TESTO 3: cap 2 (pagg. 29- 52) cap 3 (pagg. 85- 97)
3Meiosi e mitosi a confronto. La meiosi e il legame con le leggi di MendelTESTO 1: cap. 2 - TESTO 2: cap 12 (pagg. 285-296) - TESTO 3: cap 2 (pagg. 81-83) cap 3 (pagg. 98-106)
4Interazioni alleliche e interazioni tra geniTESTO 1: cap. 4 (pagg. 52-61), cap. 7 - TESTO 2: cap 13 - TESTO 3: cap 6
5Teoria cromosomica dell’eredità, esperimenti di Morgan e eredità legata al sessoTESTO 1: cap. 5 - TESTO 2: cap 12 (pagg. 297-313) - TESTO 3: cap 2 (pagg. 52-72)
6Alberi genealogiciTESTO 1: cap. 4 (pagg. 62-69) e cap. 5 (pagg. 83-91) - TESTO 2: cap. 11 (pagg. 283-289) e cap. 12 (pag. 317-322) - TESTO 3: cap. 2 e cap. 3.
7Associazione genica, concatenazione e ricombinazione. Mappe genetiche.TESTO 1: cap. 6 - TESTO 2: cap 14 - TESTO 3: cap 4
8Struttura degli acidi nucleici - organizzazione del materiale genetico nei cromosomi.TESTO 1: cap. 9 - TESTO 2: cap 2 - TESTO 3: cap 7 (pagg. 259-269)
9Replicazione del DNA. Struttura e organizzazione dei geni. Famiglie geniche.TESTO 1: cap. 9, cap. 15 (pagg. 376-385) - TESTO 2: cap 3 - TESTO 3: cap 7 (pagg. 269-288)
10Reazione a catena della polimerasi (PCR), enzimi di restrizione, elettroforesi e RFLPTESTO 1: cap. 20 - TESTO 2: cap 10 (pagg. 235-238 e 242-249) - TESTO 3: cap 10 - Materiale didattico aggiuntivo fornito dal docente
11La trascrizione nei procarioti e negli eucariotiTESTO 1: cap. 10 - TESTO 2: cap 5 - TESTO 3: cap 8
12Il codice genetico e la sintesi proteicaTESTO 1: cap. 11 - TESTO 2: cap 6 - TESTO 3: cap 9
13Meccanismi di formazione delle mutazioni. I mutageni. Le mutazioni puntiformi. Genetica dei tumori.TESTO 1: cap. 12 - TESTO 2: cap 7 (pagg. 115-135) - TESTO 3: cap 16 - Materiale didattico aggiuntivo fornito dal docente
14Le mutazioni cromosomicheTESTO 1: cap. 14 - TESTO 2: cap 16 - TESTO 3: cap 17
15La regolazione dell’espressione genica nei procarioti ed eucariotiTESTO 1: cap. 16, cap. 17 - TESTO 2: cap 17 cap 18 (pagg. 435-443) - TESTO 3: cap 11 (pagg. 393-408 e 419-424) cap 12 (pagg. 427-432 e 439-444) - Materiale didattico aggiuntivo fornito dal docente
16Geni dello sviluppo e del differenziamentoTESTO 1: cap. 19 (pagg. 486-498) - TESTO 2: cap 19 -TESTO 3: cap 13 - Materiale didattico aggiuntivo fornito dal docente