Medical science M - Z
Module pharmacology

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIULIA DI BENEDETTO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide the knowledge on the general principles of pharmacology (pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics), as well as useful information for the knowledge of the main classes of drugs used in the motor and sport practice.

Course Structure

Traditional classes.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, necessary changes may be introduced in order to fulfill all statements in the Syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge in the following topics: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathology

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

The course includes two sections:


1. General Pharmacology: general principles of pharmacology; development of a drug; adverse drug reactions; routes of administration; pharmacokinetics (absorption, diffusion, metabolism and elimination of drugs); pharmacodynamics (biological targets of drugs, classification of receptors, concentration-response curve, signal transduction mechanisms).


2.  Clinical Pharmacology: drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system; steroidal and non-steroidal antinflammatory drugs; diabetes mellitus medications; drugs of the cardiovascular system, blood and kidney; anxiolytic and hypnotic sedatives.

Textbook Information

- Compendio di Farmacologia Generale e Speciale (II edizione). Amico Roxas, Caputi, Del Tacca. EDRA.

- Farmacologia per le lauree triennali e magistrali (III edizione). Taglialatela, Conforti, Cuzzolin, Leone, Mattioli, Moretti, Pignataro, Vanzetta. SORBONA (Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1 General principles of Pharmacology see texbook tab
2 Development of a drug; adverse drug reactions see texbook tab
3 Routes of administrationsee texbook tab
4 Pharmacokinetics (absorption, diffusion, metabolism and elimination of drugs) see texbook tab
5 Pharmacodynamics (biological targets of drugs, classification of receptors, concentration-response curve, signal transduction mechanisms) see texbook tab
6 Drugs affecting the autonomic nervous systemsee texbook tab
7 Steroidal and non-steroidal antinflammatory drugs see texbook tab
8 Diabetes mellitus medications see texbook tab
9 Drugs of the cardiovascular system, blood and kidney see texbook tab
10 Anxiolytic and hypnotic sedatives see texbook tab

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

·       Routes of drug administration

·       Drug-receptor interactions

·       Signal transduction pathways

·       Drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system

·       Antihypertensive drugs