Orthopedic and neurological sciences M - Z
Module Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MICHELE VECCHIO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine module aims to identify the main neurological and orthopedic pathologies in order to evaluate their permanent outcomes in individual training programs and therefore manage physical exercise in subjects suffering from permanent outcomes of neurological diseases (cerebral stroke, head trauma, multiple sclerosis, etc.). The course also aims to deepen the knowledge on the principles of kinesiology of the spine, hip, knee and shoulder and the main pathologies of these joint districts, to know the various types of muscle injuries and overload pathologies in the sportic (enthesitis, tendinitis).

Course Structure

Weekly frontal lessons with slides and videos. Attendance is mandatory. 

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Consolidated knowledge of anatomy and physiology

Detailed Course Content

Hypomobility syndrome; Kinesiology of the spine and low back pain; Rehabilitation facilities and long-term care facilities; scoliosis (dysmorphism and paramorphism); biomechanics of the hip and associated pathologies; biomechanics of the knee and associated pathologies; physical examination and shoulder pathologies; traumatic muscle injuries; correlation between central lesion site and clinical picture / functional deficit (evaluation of motor outcomes); musculoskeletal pathologies due to functional overload (enthesitis, tendinitis); Principles of physical exercise in the healthy subject and in the subject suffering from permanent outcomes of orthopedic pathologies (hip, knee, elbow, shoulder prosthesis; surgery for disc herniation and vertebral stabilization) and neurological pathologies (cerebral stroke, Multiple sclerosis, M. di Parkinson's, head trauma), cardiological, oncological and internal pathologies.

Textbook Information

Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System 3e by Donal A.Neumann

Examination of musculoskeletal Injuries - Fourth Edition by Sandra J Shultz, Peggy A.Houglum, David H. Perrin 

L'atleta infortunato: Medicina Riabilitativa. Autori Pasquetti, Falcone. Goware ed.

La neurologia della Sapienza - Esculapio

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Principi di riabilitazione in ambito ortopedica, neurologico, cardiorespiratorio,oncologico , internistico, uroginecologico, pediatrico. Strutture di riabilitazione e lungodegenza; ruolo delle differenti figure professionali.Dispense docente e slide lezione
2Spasticità e scala di TardieuDispense docente e slide lezione
3Sindrome da allettamento/ipomobilitàDispense docente e slide lezione
4Chinesiologia del rachide e lombalgia/lombosciatalgia/lombocruralgiaChinesiologia del sistema muscoloscheletrico Aut: Donald A.Neumann. PICCIN ed CAPITOLO 9
5Esame posturale e Scoliosi ( dismorfismo e paramorfismo); L'atleta infortunato: Medicina Riabilitativa. Autori Pasquetti, Falcone. Goware ed. Capitolo 12
6 Biomeccanica dell'anca e patologie associateChinesiologia del sistema muscoloscheletrico Aut: Donald A.Neumann. PICCIN ed CAPITOLO 12
7Biomeccanica del ginocchio e patologie associateChinesiologia del sistema muscoloscheletrico Aut: Donald A.Neumann. PICCIN ed CAPITOLO 13
8Esame obiettivo e patologie della spallaEsame obiettivo dell'apparato locomotore Autori: Shultz S.J et al. PICCIN ed. CAPITOLO 12
9Lesioni muscolari traumaticheL'atleta infortunato: Medicina Riabilitativa. Autori Pasquetti, Falcone. Goware ed. Capitolo 1
10Correlazioni fra sede di lesione centrale e quadro clinico/deficit funzionale ( valutazione esiti motori)Dispense docente e slide lezione
11Patologie muscoloscheletriche da sovraccarico funzionale (entesiti, tendiniti); L'atleta infortunato: Medicina Riabilitativa. Autori Pasquetti, Falcone. Goware ed. Capitolo 2
12ElettromiografiaDispense docente e slide lezioni
13Lesioni nervose centrali ( ictus cerebrale, sclerosi multipla, lesioni midollari, malattie neurodegenerative) e Principi di autoriabilitazione guidata Dispense docente e slide lezione
14Lesioni nervose periferiche Dispense docente e slide lezione