Physiology M - Z
Module physiology II

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: NUNZIO VICARIO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The lectures of this course aims at providing the knowledge of the functions of organs and systems of the human body and at analyzing the general principles underlying their physiological functions and control. The student will acquire the ability to describe the basic functioning of organs and systems and how they cooperate to maintain homeostasis and the knowledge of physiological adaptations to physical exercise.

Course Structure

Frontal lectures. If the course will be delivered via distance learning or mixed, the appropriate changes with respect to what was stated may be introduced in order to deliver the entire program reported in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites are biochemistry and anatomy.

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory, according to the regulations of the Degree Course.

Detailed Course Content

Homeostasis – Molecular interactions – Cells and Tissues
Metabolism and communication: Membrane and cellular communication – Transport and Energy
Cellular and molecular physiology of the nervous system
Cells of the nervous system: Nerve cells – Glial cells – Action potential

Ion channels: Systematics – Structure and functioning – Channel types – Selectivity and
Receptors and signal transduction: Principles of communication – Neurotransmitters – Receptors and Signal transduction
Morpho-functional organization of the central and peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system and neuronal network – Encephalon – Spinal cord – Cerebral functions
Sensory Physiology: receptors, somatic and visceral sensitivity – Hearing – Balance – Vision – Taste
and smell
Spinal mechanisms of motor coordination: reflex actions

Postural control and vestibular reflexes
Cerebellum and basal ganglia

Organization of voluntary movement in cortical areas and cortico-spinal tract

Limbic system and functions of the hypothalamus
Higher nervous functions

Synaptic plasticity, neurotrophic factors, aging processes and cell death
Autonomic nervous system and Somatic motor system
Muscle and motor control
Striated muscle and smooth muscle
Voluntary movement and methods of muscle contraction
Reflexes and integrated movement control

Mechanism of action of hormones

Hypothalamic hormones and adeno-pituitary hormones

Function of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis

Endocrine glands

Hormonal control

Textbook Information

- Human physiology: an integrated approach. 8 ed. Author: Silverthorn - Ed. Pearson

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Peripheral and Central Nervous SystemRecommended textbooks
2NeurotransmittersRecommended textbooks
3Motor controlRecommended textbooks
4Muscles and motor controlRecommended textbooks
5Endocrine SystemRecommended textbooks

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final test consists of an oral test that the student can take in one of the sessions on the calendar. In itinere tests are foreseen in order to detect the effectiveness of the learning and teaching processes. The final assessment and learning checks can also be carried out using distance learning platforms, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Characteristics and mechanism of contraction of the scheletal muscles
Functions of the central and peripheral nervous system
Describe the cell populations of the central nervous system
Cortico-spinal tract
Mechanism of action of the hormones