Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GAETANO ISOLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

• The skills acquired will lead the student to develop a critical capacity on the topics covered by actively using the skills for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the management of the patient with pathologies of the oral cavity.

• Achieve knowledge and practical skills that allow the management of cases of patients with pathologies of the development and skeletal system who have a concomitant pathology of the oral cavity, with appropriate indication from simple to complex diagnoses in order to have basic information and concepts of oral medicine and oral pathology

In particular, the student must be able to obtain a correct degree of definition of the different forms of oral pathology and perform a careful analysis of the clinical scenario in which the problem occurs, up to the formulation of hypotheses for the resolution of the problem presented ( therapeutic options) with specific modules on physical and instrumental semeiotics, clinical methodology and non-surgical and surgical therapy of the patient affected by pathologies of the stomatognathic system in the patient with movement dysfunctions.

• The course is integrated by the free participation of students in local, national and international scientific events organized in the field of odontostomatological diseases.

• The skills acquired will lead the student to develop a critical capacity on the topics covered by actively using the skills for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the management of odontostomatological physiology and pathology with specific hints at the temporomandibular joint.

Course Structure

Professionalizing clinical internship accompanied by lessons, slides, practice on the model and videos and supplemented by discussion of the topics covered in order to train students in a critical capacity on the topics and allow them to acquire knowledge suitable for the management of patients suffering from diseases of the oral cavity. Final exam with oral test.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or distance mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology in the field of dentistry. Knowledge of the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of mucous and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial district. Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology in the field of dentistry.

See also the Academic Regulations of the course of study published on the University portal:

Attendance of Lessons

Obligation to attend the professionalizing clinical and preclinical internship in order to sit the exam. Maximum tolerance of absences of 30% as per the regulation of the teaching system.

Detailed Course Content

Clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic management with knowledge of guidelines, operational protocols relating to physiology and odontostomatological pathology, with particular reference to joint problems.

In particular:

• Characteristics and function of the stomatognathic system

• Fundamentals of anatomy of the dental elements: structure and function

• Pathology of the dentition: neodental syndrome and dysodontiasis of the third molars

• Anomalies of the time of the dental eruption

• Temporomandibular joint: diagnosis of craniomandibular dysfunction

• Use of bite or gnathological plates

• Abnormalities of the teeth: of shape, volume, number, structure, position and location

• Acquired lesions of the hard tissues of the tooth: abrasions, erosions, dislocations and fractures

• Dental caries: epidemiology - etiopathogenesis - macro and microscopic pictures of enamel and dentin caries. Carious cavities: prevention, filling materials, therapeutic options

• Pulp disease: classification, etiopathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

• Disease of the periodontium: etiopathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

• Odontogenic osteitis of the jaws; perioral abscesses and phlegmons

• Stomatomucositis

• Dental malocclusions and Angle's classification and related temporomandibular joint pathologies

• Tumors of the soft tissues of the oral cavity

• Cystic neoformations of the jaw bones

Textbook Information

·         Disordini temporomandibolari. Terapia manuale, esercizio e needling. De La Penas, Edi Ermes

·         Clinica odontostomatologica. Combos – Serpico

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1TMJ dysfunction Disordini temporomandibolari. Terapia manuale, esercizio e needling. De La Penas, Edi Ermes

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

At the end of the course the student will have to take an oral exam which will focus on the topics related to the integrated course program. In the assessment, in addition to knowledge and learning ability, independent judgment and communication skills will be taken into consideration.

The test allows to verify: i) the level of knowledge of the main gingival diseases; ii) the ability to apply this knowledge for the differential diagnosis of diseases of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity; iii) clarity of presentation; iv) the property of medical-scientific language.

The test is considered passed with a minimum vote of 18/30 topics of the program.

For the attribution of the final grade, the following parameters will be taken into account:

Mark 29-30 cum laude: the student has an in-depth knowledge of the main pathological entities, is able promptly and correctly to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented, autonomously solving even highly complex diagnostic problems; he has excellent communication skills and masters the medical-scientific and dental language.

Mark 26-28: the student has a good knowledge of the main pathological entities, is able to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical and linear way, is able to solve complex diagnostic problems in a fairly autonomous way and explains the topics clearly using a appropriate medical-scientific and dental;

Mark 22-25: the student has a good knowledge of the main pathological entities, even if limited to the main topics; she manages to integrate and analyze the situations presented in a critical but not always linear way and she explains the arguments quite clearly with a discrete property of language;

Mark 18-21: the student has minimal knowledge of the main pathological entities, has a modest ability to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented and presents the topics in a sufficiently clear way although the property of language is poorly developed;

Failed exam: the student does not possess the minimum required knowledge of the main teaching contents. The ability to use the specific language is very little or none and is not able to independently apply the acquired knowledge.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

·         Anatomia dei tessuti duri e molli

·         Articolazione temporomandibolare

·         Disfunzioni craniomandibolari

·         Stomatomucositi

·         Osteonecrosi da bifosfonati e antiangiogenici

·         Bite gnatologico e postura