European Frontiers in Neurosciences - The Long and Winding Road: Impact of Mevalonate Pathway Defects on Retinal Structure and Function

Giorno 30 ottobre 2023 - Ore 17:00  Aula magna "Umberto Scapagnini" della Torre Biologica, si terrà il seminario del Professore Steven J. Fliesler dal titolo:

The Long and Winding Road: Impact of Mevalonate Pathway Defects on Retinal Structure and Function

Steven J. Fliesler PhD SUNY Distinguished Professor, Meyer H. Riwchun Endowed Chair Professor of Ophthalmology.
Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Ophthalmology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (USA)


Data di pubblicazione: 23/10/2023