Musculoskeletal system diseases and rehabilitation
Module Methodology and techniques of rehabilitation in orthopedics and rheumatology

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: GAETANO CIAFFAGLIONE

Expected Learning Outcomes

To make the student understand the purpose of the Therapeutic Exercise as a treatment of dysfunctions in various pathologies of orthopedic and rheumatological interest.

Course Structure

Lectures with the help of power point presentations. Practical examples from the teacher.

Detailed Course Content

1 . Principles of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation in Rheumatology

           - The Therapeutic Exercise : Fundamental Concepts

           - The range of motion (ROM)

           - Stretching for the mobility impaired

           - Principles of intervention: Injury, repair and tissue processing soft

           - Joints, connective tissue and bone disorders and treatment

           - Surgical procedures , treatment guidelines pre-and post -operative

2 . Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy conservative and post-surgical pathologies major shoulder :

            a. Subacromial impingement syndrome , tendinitis and rotator cuff injuries

            b . Shoulder instability

            c . Shoulder arthroplasty

3 . General principles of rehabilitation of the elbow

            a. Dislocation of the elbow

            b . Fractures of the radial head

4 . General principles of rehabilitation of the hand and wrist trauma

            - Fractures of the distal radio

            - Osteoarthritis of the hand

5 . Rehabilitation of the lower limb

        - Coxarthrosis

        - Hip Arthroplasty

        - Ligamentous injury and ACL reconstruction

        - Tendinitis and rupture of the Achilles tendon

 6 . Rehabilitation of the foot and ankle :

- Sprains and ankle fractures

7 . Rehabilitation in Rheumatology :

- Clinical and rehabilitative approach Rheumatoid Arthritis

- Osteoarthritis :

  a) Rehabilitation and conservative approach and post-surgery in osteoarthritis

( arthroplasty ) ;

 b ) Approach and Rehabilitation conservative and post -surgical treatment in knee OA ( knee prosthesis )

8 . Rachialgia : clinical and rehabilitative approach

  a. cervical

  b . Low back pain

Textbook Information

1 -  De Giovannini – Il trattamento riabilitativo nelle lesioni traumatiche        dell’arto inferiore    ED. SBN

2 -  S. Brent Brotzman "Riabilitazione in ortopedia e traumatologia" UTET

3 -  S. Brent Brotzman – La Riabilitazione in ortopedia – Exceptra medica

4 - L. Coppola, S. Masiero  - Riabilitazione in Ortopedia – Piccin

5 - “ La riabilitazione integrata delle malattie reumatiche ”, T. Nava, Ed. Masson

6 - C.Kisner, L.A. Colby – L’esercizio Terapeutico (Principi e tecniche di Rieducazione Funzionale ) - Piccin

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1L’esercizio Terapeutico (Principi e tecniche di Rieducazione Funzionale ) C.Kisner, L.A. Colby – L’esercizio Terapeutico (Principi e tecniche di Rieducazione Funzionale ) - Piccin