Scientific English

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: CATERINA FILOGAMO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected learning outcomes are the following: students will develop lexical, morphological and syntactic language skills aimed to understand and interpret scientific texts and articles in their specific subject area.

Course Structure

The following teaching methods will be adopted: Frontal and formal interactive teaching by means of reading/listening and comprehensions, translations and analyses of medical texts with true/false questions, gap fills, grammar exercises, multiple choice questions, Use of English and open questions.

Required Prerequisites

A level B1 (Intermediate English) is recommended. 


Detailed Course Content

Course Structure

The course is divided into 14 hours of lectures, including practical exercises and interaction.The course aims to achieve the linguistic and communicative skills corresponding to the B1.1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, with reference to intermediate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students are expected to acquire linguistic knowledge aiming at improving their use of grammatical and syntactic-textual content in different contexts. The synthetic objectives of the course are: 1. Acquisition of knowledge and understanding; 2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding; 3.Communication skills. 

Textbook Information

Textbook Information
Books in use:
2) Specific chapters from  Scientific books:
1)      Any grammar book referring to B1-B1+ of the Common European Framework of reference for languages. 

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Inclusive Grammar & Communication A2 to B1 and B1 to B1.1Medical and Scientific English - Pearson

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam will include a written and an oral part (in English).

Oral exam. Elements to be evaluated: relevance of the answers, quality of their contents, ability to connect with other topics within the program, ability to report examples, quality of technical language, and overall expressive ability.
To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, students can request a meeting in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measure, according to the educational goals and specific needs. In this case, it is advisable to contact the CInAP (Centre for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) professor of the Department where the Degree Course is included.