Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIANCARLO FERRO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Understanding and Learning Ability

The course aims to provide students with adequate expertises to enhance their capabilities in critical thinking so as to better interpret and understand the fundamental notions of positive constitutional law and State general theory, with particular reference to constitutional jurisprudence, institutions to guarantee rights and freedoms of citizens, also considering European Union member States’ common constitutional principles. In particular, the profiles of health law and the protection of people with disabilities will be studied.

Application of gained knowledge

The acquisition of new concepts and institutions is aimed in enabling students to put what learnt into practice. Students will be able to enhance their problem solving and critical thinking capabilities. The course would consist in frontal lessons, in which students are encouraged to discuss and debate on legal problems and cases connected to institutional current events.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and seminars involving students.

Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of Italian and European history.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

OUTLINE OF THE COURSE: introduction to the general theory of the State. - Forms of State and forms of government. - the individual and social associations in the constitutional order: rights, freedoms and public duties. -  the system of the sources of law: general principles, the Constitution and its amendment process, sources of law deriving from the state, from local autonomies, and from European and international law. - the judicial power. - constitutional principles regarding the Public Administration. - Constitutional justice. -  the organization of the Republic: the electorate; the Parliament; Chambers' functions; the President of the Republic; the Government; the a regions and other territorial entities.

SPECIAL PART: Health law and costitutional law of disabilities. 

Textbook Information

R. BIN - D. DONATI - G. PITRUZZELLA, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico per i servizi sociali e sanitari, Giappichelli, u.e. 

Alternatively, one of the following books:

L. ARCIDIACONO, E. CASTORINA, A. CIANCIO, G. CHIARA, Diritto costituzionale, Wolters Kluwer, 2023 

F. POLITI, Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino l.e.R. ROMBOLI (a cura di), Diritto costituzionale italiano e europeo, vol. I e II, Giappichelli, Torino, l.e..

T. MARTINES, Diritto costituzionale, Giuffrè, Milano, l.e.


Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Ordinamento giuridico
2Costituzione e costituzionalismo
3Forme di Stato e di governo
4Carte e Corti dei diritti
5Sovranità, Territorio e Popolo
6Profili di storia costituzionale
7Fonti del diritto: criteri di individuazione
8Fonti del diritto: i criteri di risoluzione delle antinomie
9Le singole fonti del diritto: - Costituzione e leggi costituzionali; le fonti comunitarie e convenzionali; riserva di legge; la legge ordinaria; atti con forza di legge; referendum abrogativo; Statuti e legge regionali.
10(segue): le fonti secondarie; consuetudine e convenzioni costituzionali
11La forma di governo italiana: il disegno costituzionale
12Corpo elettorale e Parlamento
13Il Governo
14Il Presidente della Repubblica nella forma di governo parlamentare: il modello costituzionale e la prassi
15Costituzione e potere giudiziario
16La Pubblica Amministrazione: profili costituzionali
17Corte costituzionale e processi costituzionali: organizzazione e funzionamento della Corte; oggetto e parametri; la tipologia delle pronunce; giudizi di legittimità; giudizi sui conflitti; ammissibilità del referendum abrogativo; giustizia penale.
18Forma di Stato e diritti fondamentali
19Le Autonomie territoriali
20Profili di diritto sanitario
21I diritti delle persone diversamente abili

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The student must demonstrate knowledge of the institutions covered by the constitutional law course, also with reference to the most important jurisprudential arrests.

1 The exam usually begins with a question on the sources of law, in general with regard to a single source: for example: constitutional law, reserve of law, referendum, regional statute etc.

2 The examination continues with feedback on the constitutional organization and form of government: for example, electoral legislation, organization of the Chambers, parliamentary immunities, formation of the Government etc

3 The exam then addresses the constitutional process: access to the Constitutional Court, typology of decisions, effectiveness of them,

4 concludes with a question for a special part (health law and constitutional law of frailties)